Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Words From Steve Jobs:Software Fix Coming To iPhone 3G

Those concerned with lagging iPhone 3G performance with iOS 4 may soon get some assistance from
Apple. According to a new email from Steve Jobs (as reported by MacRumors), the folks in Cupertino are readying a software update to address the widely reported lack-of-speed incumbent on many iPhone 3G's running the latest iOS. The news follows reports from late July in which Apple openly acknowledged that it was investigating user reports of this very issue.

The information about a forthcoming software update was provoked by a user email to Jobs, who complained of his "dog slow" iPhone's frustratingly degraded "responsiveness" when scrolling, zooming, and typing. "I've waited patiently through 4.0.1 and 4.0.2," the email states, "looking for a fix that will make my phone work again. I've read the forums that advise me to jailbreak my phone or use some other method so I can downgrade back to a version of iPhone 3, however I'm not prepared to use a method that is not supported by Apple."

Steve Jobs responded with a four-word reply that now has many on their toes in anticipation of what has been promised: "Software update coming soon," Jobs advised. Given just how prevalent the iPhone 3G remains among the iPhone user base, Apple is certainly wise to not let these concerns linger and go un-addressed. Although there is presently no projected time-frame for the software fix alluded to by Jobs, "coming soon" is better than nothing, I suppose.

I really Hope This is true Because My iPhone 3G Is really Sluggish

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